Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Seems like all that is ever wanted is (no) markings on wills**

View Legal blog Seems like all that is ever wanted is (no) markings on wills**

Following last week’s post concerning codicils, an adviser contacted me about why we were so pedantic concerning wills, for example, wanting to ensure that no paperclips or other markings are made on an original will.

This question follows neatly from the codicil discussion.

In particular, where there are markings on a will, that might indicate something else has been attached to the will, then the law creates a number of obligations to investigate this potential issue.

For example, it could be assumed that a paperclip may have attached a codicil to a will.

Obviously, in many instances, the paperclip will in fact have only attached, say, a 'with compliments' slip.

This therefore can create a significant amount of wasted resources, hence our very strong recommendation that nothing be attached in any way, shape or form to a will (or codicil).

** For the trainspotters, the title of the post today is riffed from a line from The Foo Fighters song ‘This is a call’ from 1995.