Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Your digital footprint (part I) – a bit like stay(ing) alive**

View Legal blog - Your digital footprint (part I) – a bit like stay(ing) alive** by Matthew Burgess

A previous post has considered the key issues in relation to digital assets on death.

View also provides free access to a template memo of directions that has a section on digital assets.

One of the easiest ways to ensure a person’s digital footprint is identified and arguably the best way to achieve this is by using a checklist.

Where relevant the checklist should confirm contact details, user names, passwords, access codes, answers to security questions, log in pins, member numbers and payment arrangements.

Set out below are 6 of the areas we suggest be captured on any checklist – next week’s post will list a further 7.

In summary:
  1. Social media (including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Google hang out, Tumblr, Yammer)
  2. Digital platforms (including Skype, YouTube, App Stores, blogs, online music and movie streaming, education and information services [eg TED, Udemy, podcasting, books], news feeds, magazines, software providers, personal websites, domain names)
  3. Online storage (including documents, personal information, photos, videos, personal health and fitness, dictation, blogs, data storage, diaries, journals, Moleskins, Evernote, back up storage services, Dropbox)
  4. Digital financial assets (rewards points, prepaid services, Bitcoin etc)
  5. Email accounts (including work, gmail, Hotmail, Bigpond, personal), including any automated responses and mail lists subscribed to
  6. Instant messaging and SMS services
As usual, please make contact if you would like access to any of the content mentioned in this post.

** For the trainspotters, the title of today's post is riffed from Hamilton and the song 'Stay alive’.

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