Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Embrace the ceremony** and ‘read the deed’

View Legal blog - Embrace the ceremony** and ‘read the deed’ by Matthew Burgess

As highlighted in previous posts, the need to ‘read the deed’ before making any variation to a trust deed is critical – and a case that remains a leading example of the mantra is Jenkins v Ellett [2007] QSC 154.

Broadly the background in this case was as follows:
  1. A principal under a trust deed had the ability to remove and appoint the trustee of the trust.
  2. The principal purported to relay on a power of variation to remove himself as principal and name a replacement, which effectively changed the schedule to the trust deed that automatically appointed the principal’s legal personal representative (LPR) as his replacement on death.
  3. When the LPR of the principal purported to exercise the principal powers following the death of the original principal and was challenged, the Court held that the previous attempted variation was invalid, effectively confirming the LPR’s authority to act as the principal.
  4. The attempted variation was held to be invalid because the relevant power in the trust deed was crafted so that it could only be used in relation to the ‘trusts declared’, and in particular did not extend to varying the schedule to the trust deed.
Generally the decision here is cited as authority for a number of principles including:
  1. If an attempt is made to made to amend fundamental provisions (such as appointor powers or indeed the amendment power itself), there must be a specific ability to do so under the trust instrument. This said, if the power to vary under a deed is wide, this can allow a trustee to change an appointor without their consent; and without destroying the substratum of the deed (see Cihan v Cihan [2022] NSWSC 538, a case explored in other View posts);
  2. conversely, ancillary provisions should be able to be amended so long as there is a robust power of amendment in the trust deed;
  3. this said, the trust deed may expressly prohibit certain amendments, thereby effectively ‘hard wiring’ those clauses;
  4. furthermore, the exercise of a power of amendment must comply with any restrictions on the exercise of power, for example the need to obtain prior consent from a principal or appointor. The case of Re Cavill Hotels P/L [1998] 1 Qd R 396 (which has featured in previous posts) is also often quoted in this regard);
  5. any power of variation should be construed widely and beneficially, such that (as one example), even if there is no specific power to amend or extend a vesting date, a wide power of variation will give this ability (see Nisus Pty Ltd [2022] NSWSC 369);
  6. in situations where the purported amendment is not within the powers under the deed (or has the consequence of destroying the ‘substratum’ of the trust) it will be held to be invalid and ineffective; see for example Kearns v Hill (1990) 21 NSWLR 107.
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** For the trainspotters, the title of today's post is riffed from the New Order song ‘Ceremony’.

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