Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Brown M&Ms, go jump**invasion by aliens and when trust beneficiaries aren’t beneficiaries

View Legal Blog - Brown M&Ms, go jumpinvasion by aliens and when trust beneficiaries aren’t beneficiaries - by Matthew Burgess

In preparing for the View webinar ‘Trust Horror Stories’ we had a timely reminder of the mantra to ‘read the deed’.

The read the deed mantra is analogous to the famous contract rider of rock band Van Halen requiring M&Ms in their dressing room; with all the brown ones removed.

Originally thought to be the very definition of an outlandish group of prima donnas, the truth was all about the detail – if Van Halen ever saw brown M&Ms on arrival at a venue they were on notice that the venue operator did not sweat the detail.

On more than one occasion they used the existence of a brown M&M as cause for cancelling a gig; or perhaps more bluntly, telling the venue to go ‘Jump’.

Contract lawyers have long been renowned for a similar technique when crafting ‘force majeure’ provisions and randomly including events such as inability to complete a contract due to invasion by aliens or abduction by unicorns to flush out those who are not checking every line.

In the trust deed example we had this week, a trustee company had been distributing income from a trust to itself as a corporate beneficiary (ie to cap the tax rate at 30%).

Aside from the asset protection issues that can arise from using a corporate trustee as a corporate beneficiary, the other main issue to consider was whether the company could in fact be a beneficiary of the trust – in other words did the deed include the trustee as a beneficiary.

As is quite often the case with trusts established in New South Wales (in particular), in this instance, the trustee was in fact expressly excluded as a potential beneficiary of the trust. A previous post has a more detailed analysis of this aspect of many trust deeds (please contact me if you would like access to this and can not easily locate it).

The invalid distribution, which unfortunately had been made over a number of years, meant that a range of quite complex issues arose in relation to the trust, with a multitude of tax, trust law and accounting issues needing to be addressed. The solutions available for each issue were, at best, problematic.

As usual, please make contact if you would like access to any of the content mentioned in this post.

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